Vote on Election Day

Election Day
If you are registered to vote:
You must vote at your assigned polling place. Polls are open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. If you are in line by 8 p.m. at your polling place, you will be able to vote.
You can find your polling place online at the Michigan Voter Information Center here or by calling the Detroit City Clerk at (313) 224-3270.
If you are not registered to vote:
You can complete your voter registration and vote on Election Day at the Department of Elections (2978 W. Grand Blvd) or the City Clerk's Office (2 Woodward Ave). Make sure you bring one type (paper or electronic copy) of “proof of residency” with you to the Department of Elections:
- Your Michigan driver’s license or state ID card
- A utility bill with your name and Detroit address on it
- A bank statement with your name and Detroit address on it
- A paycheck with your name and Detroit address on it
- A government check with your name and Detroit address on it
- Any other government document with your name and Detroit address on it